Fliege Spanish Fly Forte Drop For Men Women Love Potency HSP-009

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    Make your Partner feel Wild with Se-xual Lust and Desire for You! Spanische Fliege ( Spanish Fly ) Improves and increases stamina while at the same time relaxing the mind and stimulating the body with strong Se-xual desires. Spanische Fliege is a specifically formulated liquid drop remedy that increases the Desire and in many cases it raises the hormones necessary for healthy Se-xual functions and is also a Se-xual booster, thus giving pleasure to both Se-xes. SPANISCHE FLIEGE Drops contain the well-known cantharides (Spanish Fly) in safe controlled homoeopathically dosed quantities (D4), as well as Vitamin E which have long been used as As in natural medicine. These drops are easy to use, to have Enhanced Desire and Se-xual Pleasure. Ingredients: Cantharis D4, Vitamin E (Acteal), Vinumed.

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